Why buy a bike from a bike shop

The big debate.

A lot of people ask me what is the difference between our bikes and the bikes from Kmart and the like. The simple answer is quality; but that is not all.

When we assemble a bike from the box to the showroom floor it is like one BIG safety check. We are bike mechanics who care about the product that you are taking home. If you are unhappy, so are we. A bike should be comfortable and easy to ride. All the gears should work, the brakes should stop you in a safe distance. These are the things that we check and look for. Not to mention the wheels running true and that all the bearings are free running.




Bike comes out of the box looking like a tangled mess.

After these things are checked we start to full assemble the bike starting with handle bars and head stem. Rechecking gears and brakes again . All bolt tenions are now checked . Seat post greased and inserted. 


Bike ready for pedals and other parts. In the back gorund is our fully equipped workshop. This enables us to build and service most bike. By the way it is against Australian consumer starndards to sell a bike unassembled.

The final part is greasing the pedals and threading in. These pedals are left and right handed and not always marked so just another reason to have your bike built by a professional. Now the reflectors and bell are fitted to meet Australian standards. Did you know that all safety items (bells and reflectors) must be fitted or your bike can be defected by the local police. 

The finished product. It can take an hour to reach this point. But it's ready to rock your world. 

The finished product. It can take an hour to reach this point. But it's ready to rock your world.